Monday, March 9, 2020

Essay Topics For Torontonians

Essay Topics For TorontoniansWhen it comes to teaching law students how to write, Toronto school of law professors are not always clear on the best essay topics for their students. In my own experience, I have found that one of the easiest essay topics is one that has to do with the need for ethical principles in business and management. Many academics would cringe at the thought of writing about ethics, but my experience has taught me that legal ethics is not just for those who will practice law. Law schools that teach ethics as a separate topic have usually been more successful than those which focus on law only.During my time at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, I noticed that many of my students were in business or other outside occupations. During orientation, I asked each of them what they intended to do after graduation. The most common answer was that they planned to start their own businesses. This answered many of my questions. So I asked a few of them why they tho ught this was a good idea, and their response was based on their knowledge of business, and the need for ethical principles to guide a business owner's actions.When it comes to essay topics, many other professions seem to be inherently suited to the topic. If you are going to teach about anything outside of business, ask your students to choose between public service and a career in the legal profession. If you ask all of your students the same question and get different answers, you have a problem. This does not mean that students have to choose the career that they feel will give them the most job satisfaction; rather, it means that your students need to choose between legal theory and legal practice.I have found that you will have more success with good essay topics if you ask your students to choose between a law school and a career in the legal profession. Once they do, ask them if they believe that the ethics of a business should guide that business owner.At some point, many s tudents become involved in a dispute in which they see themselves as part of the legal profession. When this happens, they must decide whether to work for a law firm or take up a position as a lawyer. Most of them will decide to work for a law firm, because they have a strong belief in the ideal of a lawyer's responsibility to society. As a result, they will work with people who also believe in the ideal. As a result, you may find that students in such situations become quite involved in legal practices.Perhaps you think that these students would be happier working in the legal fields, working for a law firm rather than doing legal cases. Do not forget to ask your students this question. To the best of my knowledge, most law students are in the legal fields because they want to help society. If you are coaching them in their essay topics, it is important that you explain this and explain to them why there is nothing wrong with this as a choice. If they think that the attorney does n ot put his clients' welfare first, they are likely to choose a law firm and not become a lawyer.If you want your students to become lawyers, it might be best to put them in a situation where they have to choose between legal practice and a career in the legal profession. At the same time, you will want to make it clear to them that they can have both. The choice between legal practice and a career in the legal profession is a simple choice.I hope that this brief description of the essay topics for Toronto law students will be helpful. If you are a professor who wants to know more about what students want, please contact me.

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